Minggu, 29 Desember 2013

How To Make a Memo

  1. Write the heading segment. Specify who the memo is for and who sent it. The heading segment should also include the complete and exact date the memo was written, and the subject matter (what the memo is about). A sample heading would look like:
To: Name and job title of the recipient
From: Your name and job title
Date: Complete date when the memo was written
Subject: (or RE:) What the memo is about (highlighted in some way)
Example :
To: All Staff and Interns
From: Ana Lucily, Executive Assistant to the President
Date: July 15, 2012
Subject: Dishes in the Sink
  • Always address readers by their correct name; do not use nicknames.
  • When constructing the heading, be sure to double space between sections and align the text.
  2. Consider who the audience should be. In order to get people to read and respond to the memo, it’s important to tailor the tone, length, and level of formality of the memo to the audience who will be reading it. Doing this effectively requires that you have a good idea of who the memo is intended for.
  • Think about your audience’s priorities and concerns are, and try to imagine why the information you are presenting would be important to them.
  • Try to anticipate any questions your readers might have. Brainstorm some content for the memo, such as examples, evidence, or other information that will persuade them.
  • Considering the audience also allows you to be sensitive to including any information or sentiments that are inappropriate for your readers.
   3. Introduce the problem or issue to your readers in the opening segment. Briefly give them the context behind the action you wish them to take. This is somewhat like a thesis statement, which introduces the topic and states why it matters.
It has come to our attention that there has been a pile of unwashed dishes that accumulates in the sink by the end of each week. It has gotten so bad that washing one’s hands in the kitchen sink becomes an uncomfortable undertaking. Therefore, we are introducing a new policy that mandates that employees wash their dishes as soon as they are done with them, keeping the sink clear for other uses.

  • Include only as much information as is needed, while still being convincing that a real problem exists.
  • As a general guideline, the opening should take up about ¼ of the total length of the memo
   4. Suggest ways to address the issue in the summary segment. What you are summarizing here are the key actions you would like your readers to take.
Example :

If you do not have the time to wash your lunch container or coffee mug, leave it by your desk until you are ready to wash it. Even two or three dirty plates will encourage every person thereafter to leave their unwashed, food-stained dishes and silverware in the sink.

·         This can also include some evidence to back up your recommendations.
  • In a very short memo, it might not be necessary to include a separate summary segment. Instead, this can be integrated into the next segment, the “discussion segment”.
   5. Support your course of action in the discussion segment. Be persuasive. State how the readers will benefit from taking the action you recommend, or be disadvantaged through lack of action.
Example :

Conversely, studies have shown that when a sink is empty, people are more likel to wash their dishes immediately.
  • Give evidence and logical reasons for the solutions you propose. Feel free to include graphics, lists, or charts, especially in longer memos. Just be sure they are truly relevant and persuasive.
  • Start with the most important information, then move to specific or supporting facts.
  • The general guideline for length is that the summary and discussion segments combined should comprise about ½ of the memo.
   6. Close the memo with a friendly ending that restates what actions you want the reader to take. You might want to include a statement like, "I will be glad to discuss these recommendations with you later on and follow through on any decisions you make."
Example :
Thank you for your cooperation! Please clear out all unwashed dishes by 5 pm today.
Ana Lucily
  • Give the reader a sense of solidarity and optimism if possible.
  • Emphasize a particular next step that they can take.
  • This should generally take about ⅛ of the total length of the memo.
  7. Review and edit your memo to make sure that it is clear, concise, persuasive, and free of errors. Check that you are consistent in the type of language that you use, and eliminate unnecessary scholarly words or technical jargon.

    Sumber: http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Memo

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